10 Interesting Facts about Germany

Germany is widely-popular in the world due to many reasons, some of which also includes the growing number of international students choosing Germany for their higher education. Many students even seek the help of German Language Classes in Delhi to easily be a part of the German culture.

If you are one of them, then shift your attention from the usual education and take a look at the interesting facts related to Germany which will help you a lot while living in the same.

  1. Densely populated in Europe

In all over Europe, Germany comes under the list of the most populated countries as it is home to 80,636,124size of people in the country. Though, by seeing Germany live, you will not believe that it is a very heavily populated country, but the fact says that every square kilometer consists of around 231 people.

  1. Mostly covered in forests

It is not a joke that despite having such a dense population, one third of Germany is still covered with forests or woodlands. But, it does not mean that the forests are of no use. These woodlands are one of the most picturesque places you will ever see as they look absolutely phenomenal. If you visit Germany, do not forget to explore these greeneries.

  1. Widely-stretched Berlin

The place Berlin which is located in Germany is astonishingly nine times bigger than the City of Romance, Paris. In addition, Germany has more bridges than Venice which is popularly known as ‘the floating city’, ‘city of water’ and interestingly ‘city of bridges’.

  1. Laughing instance with JFK

During a speech of John F. Kennedy, he mistakenly referred to himself as a ‘jam doughnut’. It so happened when he was trying to say “Ich bin Berliner” which means ‘I am a Berliner’ but accidentally said “Ich bin ein Berliner” which means ‘I am a jam doughnut’.

  1. 7 times Capital change

The Capital of Germany has not just changed for one or two times but, surprisingly seven times. The Seven capitals include the places of Aachen, Regensburg, Frankfurt-am-Main, Nuremburg, Berlin, Weimar, and Bonn. It has been three decades that Berlin was again made the Capital of Germany.

  1. Land of poets and thinkers

Many Nobel Prize winners and globally-recognized writers hail from Germany. The Nobel Prize has been won in various categories such as Chemistry, Physics, and Medicine to name a few. The writers like Hoffmann, Friedrich Schiller, E.T.A also belong to Germany and are big names in the world of famous writers and poets.

  1. Huge beer consumption in Europe

Germany places itself at the second position in the list of the largest beer consumer in Europe. It comes after the Czech Republic which sits proudly in the first place. Germans think of beer as a food and a single person consumes 150 litres of beer every year on an average.

  1. Longest German word

At present, the longest word in the German language is ‘Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft’ which refers to “Association for Subordinate Officials of the Head Office Management of the Danube Steamboat Electrical Services”.

Once, the German language published the longest word which is ‘Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz’ which refers to “a law regulating the testing of beef”. In 2014, this word was removed from the German language for some reasons.

  1. The most successful football team

Germany follows Brazil by being in the second spot in the list of the most successful football team in the world. Having four World Cups and three European Championships in its bag, Germany has left a strong impression on the world of football.

  1. First printed book

The first-ever book to get printed was the Latin Bible which was written by Johannes Gutenberg and printed in Mainz, Germany in the year 1455.


It must have been a very fascinating ride to know so much about Germany. Now, get back to your preparation of studying in Germany and have the best German language course in Delhi in order to fulfil your dream of German education.

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