The Ultimate Guide to German Language Courses

Starting any new language seems little frightening at first especially German as it fills the entire paper and the letters are pronounced as you have never ever heard of.

Can you pronounce the word Freundschaftsbeweis or Lebensabschnittsgefährte? Of course not and why you need to? So, the first task is to know the answer of the big question ‘why’, Why learn German Language, and why you need to acquire the German as your second language.

Here we have listed some key features of the German language which will help you to grasp the German words more proficiently:

  1. The genders of the German language

German is an inflective language in which words differ according to their grammatical gender. There are three genders in the German language which are as follows:

  • Masculine
  • Feminine
  • Neuter

Nouns are then inflected based on one of the four cases:

  • Nominative
  • Accusative
  • Dative
  • Genitive

This is the main difference between German and English as learning to use the correct ending is not always an easy task for English speakers which also take time and efforts get used to it.

  1. Verb tenses of German

German has six verbs tense in which four is derived from auxiliary verbs and others without it. Fortunately, there are many things are common from English. The four verb tenses which are auxiliary verbs are the Future (futur), present perfect (perfekt), past perfect (Plusquamperfekt), and the future perfect tenses (Futur perfekt).

  1. Start with an easy word

Once you have mastered in German grammar and genders, it would be quite easy for you to learn some simple words. You could learn some daily and basic expressions like saying hello, thank you, please, etc. You can find many tutorials online by which you can learn these expressions more efficiently.

  1. Understand how sentences are constructed

The next probably is to learn the sentence formation. If you learn this, many problems you can solve in the German learning process. Learn some simple phrases and keep it in your mind also; you need to master German vocabulary steadily so that sentence formation will be an easy task for you.

  1. Watch movies in German

Once you understand the basic step of the German learning process, then watching movies will be a not that difficult task for you. You could use the English subtitles to make it easier. This is probably would be the Learn German Language. After, using the English subtitles, try to watch movies without it.

Last words

Implement these practices into your daily routine for the best learning. There are many more ways to learn German, so go research it and learn it!

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