Tag der Deutschen Einheit – Day of German Unity

Historically, the land we know today as the nation of Germany was earlier governed by a loose conglomeration of princes and noble. The German unity day is a national holiday celebrating the reunification which occurred in 1990, where the former GDR, that is, East German, joined the federal republic of Germany. With the closure of the Holy Roman Empire in the early 19th century especially during the Napoleonic era, unity was achieved by Wilhelm I of Prussia.

The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989 contributed a lot on this big day. Initially, this day was proposed to be the National German Unity Day as it remarked a huge step towards German’s unification. It is the most celebrated festivals German. If you want to be a part of this and witnessed German’s genuine happiness, then must visit here for once and before pack your bags, polish your German language, go for the Best German Language Institute in Delhi.

Some more facts

German unification treaty signed on 20th September 1990, declared 3rd October as the official national holiday. The mark of dissolution of GDR is according to Article 23 of German basic law also required the vote of five eastern states to join the Federal Republic of Germany. It was a speedy unification which was considered the most important factors during these economically unstable times. Thus, October 3, 1990, marks the last East German government.

On this big day, German residents celebrate by hosting live bands and stands selling food, drinks, and sweets around the Brandenburg Gate.

The celebration also includes many family-suitable activities such as:

  • Horse riding
  • Berlin’s most popular inner-city park, that is, the big wheel offering a great view over the Tiergarten.
  • Dice games
  • Theatre performance
  • Karaoke
  • Merry-go-round

With these playful activities, Germany hosts a big celebration every year. Also a ‘Burgerfest’ was organized that lasts for several days.


There are food and other cultural representation from all around the Germany regions, many different political speeches, fireworks, concerts and many more delightful things. It would be a long cultural weekend so that they can go out and enjoy these cultural activities and political representation. People living Germany gives lots of importance to this day, and knows what importance it holds in the past and today as well. There are many migrants who enjoy this event thoroughly. One can see the happiness on the face of the German; it is the perfect representation of German culture. If you have interest in German culture and customs, learn the German language for sure as this language more history than any other language. So, give it a try for sure! Go for the best German Language Course in CP.

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